formulaic measured holistic


rolfing® structural integrative bodywork

what to expect

rolfing® structural integrative bodywork is a holistic formulaic manual therapy that supports the entire body in creating a balanced relationship with itself.  you may expect direct hands-on manual therapy as well as guidance around breath awareness, movement potential, and sensory understanding. bodywork of this nature may be transformational for the client in a variety of ways. posture, perspective, and purpose may shift or change and lead your attention to new and unknown corners of your awareness. structural integration bodywork provides relief from bodily aches and pain but even more importantly it is a powerful source of guidance for the mind and body to work optimally together.

structural integration is process based. as practitioners we aim to facilitate alignment between the body and the seer within, to instill resources for direct perception, to utilize our innate wisdom and knowing and to relate with ourselves through empowerment.

formulaic work is the cornerstone of my practice, however it may be appropriate to create individual sessions for a specific circumstance. you may need support to find relief from an acute source of pain or a follow up session for previous bodywork or physical training. in either case, rest assured that your health and body structure are met with a holistic manner that aims to promote your entire sense of balance, presence, and ease.

the ten-series formulaic sequence

  • session one begins with an exploration of potential with the breath and the interconnected relationship between the shoulder and pelvic girdles with the spine.  our primary focus in this session is meeting you and learning how to best meet your needs while ensuring your exploration through the series is met with confident support.  

  • session two initiates support from the legs, ankles and feet through careful differentiation of the bones, ligaments, tendons and muscles designed to transfer energy from the horizontal plane (earth) into the vertical plane (human).  

  • session three evokes a sense of volume and space by traversing the lateral lines of the body and differentiating front and back sides while promoting length along the vertical axis.  this session marks a conclusion of working across the ‘sleeve’ of the body and is a great place to assess the progress of the work and further define your goals.  

  • session four utilizes the sense of volume and space of the previous sessions and initiates work in the ‘core’ and introduces qualities of the midline of the body.  working primarily across the medial lower limbs, this session draws upon support in the feet and recruits stability into the spine. 

  • session five will evoke a deepened sense of your core and the connective qualities that bring supportive integrity to the spine from the limbs.  the session will navigate the three-dimensional quality of the core and draw upon supportive work in the legs as well as expansive expressive work through the torso, shoulder girdles and arms.  

  • session six navigates the back lines of body largely through prone (belly down) position work.  this session addresses the soles of the feet, calves, hamstrings, glutei, and most specifically the sacrum, creating freedom in this joint to facilitate ease and fluid transferring of motion.  by this point in the series, the major areas of the entire body have been engaged with and prepare the client for integrative work in the neck and cranium.

  • session seven sets your head on top of your body with detailed and focused work around the shoulders, neck, jaw and cranium.    

  • sessions eight and nine are exciting conclusive sessions that serve to optimize and integrate structure and function from the spine through the shoulder and pelvic girdles.  

  • session ten holds a special space for concluding the journey through the integrative series and evoking clarity of expression from functional support.


rolfing® structural integration sessions provide a focused opportunity for your health to improve. my commitment to you is to be present, well resourced and serve you to the best of my ability. my request for you in return is to bring your attention and presence toward your healing path. the work stands on the collective attention we create together. with this in mind, please consider the following observations:

  • punctuality- please arrive on time and ready for the session with your cell phone silenced

  • sanitation- kindly plan ahead to arrive clean, sans fragrances, and with your hands washed

  • dress- sheets are used for draping, however please prepare for sessions with undergarments

  • inquiry- utilize this time for your benefit by clearly studying why you are seeking support

  • payment- please arrive prepared to satisfy payment for services at the scheduled session with a credit card

  • timing- session blocks are 90 minutes and allow time for intake, bodywork and closure